Welcome to the fascinating world of concrete! If you’ve ever marveled at towering skyscrapers, sturdy bridges, or your neighbor’s perfectly paved driveway, you’ve witnessed the magic of ready mix concrete (RMC). Whether you’re a budding DIY enthusiast or just curious about what holds our world together, this guide is your backstage pass to understanding the marvels of ready mix concrete. Let’s dive into the concrete jungle! 

What is Ready Mix Concrete? 

Imagine a blend of secret ingredients, like cement, water, aggregates (the rock ‘n’ roll stars of concrete, including sand and gravel), and a pinch of superhero chemicals known as admixtures. Now, picture all these elements getting together for a jam session at a concrete batching plant, and voila! You’ve got yourself a ready-to-use concrete mix. No more messy on-site mixing – RMC comes to the party prepared! 

The Magical Mix: Composition of Ready Mix Concrete 

  1. Cement: Cement, the maestro of the mix, acts as the glue that holds everything together. Think of it as the lead singer in a rock band – it sets the tone.
  2. Aggregates: These are the rock stars that give concrete its strength and character. Whether it’s the gravel’s bassline or the sand’s smooth melody, aggregates bring the groove.
  3. Water: Like a conductor guiding an orchestra, water orchestrates the chemical dance that makes concrete harden. The right water-to-cement ratio is the key to harmony.
  4. Admixtures: These are like backstage VIPs who fine-tune the performance. Admixtures can speed up the show (accelerators) or slow things down (retarders), making the mix more workable or durable as needed.

Why Ready Mix Concrete Rocks 

Ready mix concrete isn’t just convenient; it’s a superstar in the construction world. Here’s why: 

  1. Consistency: Every batch of RMC is like a perfectly rehearsed song, thanks to controlled production conditions.
  2. Time Efficiency: Say goodbye to the hassle of on-site mixing, saving precious time during construction.
  3. Reduced Waste: RMC orders are tailored to your needs, reducing waste and making Mother Earth happy.
  4. Strength and Durability: RMC is the heavyweight champion of the concrete world, meeting or surpassing industry standards.

Where Does Ready Mix Concrete Shine? 

Ready mix concrete takes the stage in a variety of construction projects, including: 

  1. Residential Rhythms: Foundations, driveways, sidewalks – it’s all about laying down a solid beat.
  2. Commercial Crescendos: High-rises, office complexes, and malls rise to the occasion.
  3. Infrastructure Anthems: Roads, bridges, dams, and runways – the backbone of a thriving metropolis.
  4. Industrial Jams: Factories, warehouses, and manufacturing plants that keep the economy grooving.

The Gig: Ordering and Delivery 

To get your hands on some RMC, you’ll need to place an order with a local supplier. They’ll deliver the mix in special trucks with spinning drums that keep the mixture fresh during transit. It’s like a rock concert tour bus, but for concrete! 

Mixing and Grooving 

Once RMC arrives, it’s showtime! Pour it into molds or forms, let it groove, and watch it set. Properly finishing and curing the concrete ensures it becomes a chart-topping hit in the construction world. 


Ready mix concrete is the unsung hero behind the scenes of the structures we rely on daily. From awe-inspiring skyscrapers to humble driveways, understanding RMC’s basics empowers you to appreciate the concrete wonders around us. 


Concrete chipping services are the roadies of the concrete world, ensuring the smooth operation and maintenance of concrete equipment. Express Chipping is your backstage pass to these services, specializing in silo cleaning, concrete drum chipping, and ready-mix concrete removal. By entrusting your concrete maintenance needs to Express Chipping, you’re ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your equipment, keeping the concrete concert going strong. Take the first step towards impeccable concrete maintenance by contacting Express Chipping at 888-919-2447 or visiting us online today! Let’s keep the concrete show rocking!